Brand concept TOPDHG adheres to the principle of creating beauty through nature and science. Endless exploration and dedicated research for the ultimate products. Discover the infinite possibilities of beauty through the wisdom of nature. Creating the story of beauty.
TOPDHG Goat’s Milk Moisturising Cream
INGREDIENTS: Goat’s Milk protein and trace elements are rich in EFG, promoting your natural beauty. Combines with vegetable glycerin and pure pollutant free New Zealand Water FUNCTION: For bright and healthy skin, this cream may enhance skin elasticity, and stability. Pure and natural Goat’s Milk will add nutrients and encourage anti-ageing.
TOPDHG Goat’s Milk Facial Moisturising Essence
INGREDIENTS: An ultra-moisturising and anti-oxidising formula. With Squalene, Hyaluronic Acid and Goat’s Milk giving your skin that rich rehydrating boost that it requires in today’s busy, polluted world. FUNCTION: Goat’s Milk Moisturising Essence stimulates moisturising agents in the skin. It may hydrate dry skin, and repair skin damage. The Goat’s Milk assists in achieving soft smooth skin.
TOPDHG Goat’s Milk Bubble Detox Mask
INGREDIENTS: Anti-oxidant SOD elements and scientifically proportioned Lactic Acid promote smooth skin. Combined with the EGF anti-aging properties of Goat’s Milk, this product may assist with skin regeneration, and youthfulness. FUNCTION: A wash off mask, with rich oxygen bubbles. The mask supplies a systematic and continuous supply of nutrition to the skin. It may help keep the skin in balance, helping to maintain transparency and resilience. It has excellent whitening effects.


TOPDHG has been developed with some of New Zealand’s foremost skin experts, who have successfully combined world leading ingredients with New Zealand Goat’s Milk, to produce top quality skin care products. TOPDHG’s mission is to bring top quality product with natural ingredients suitable for everyone to use.
All the miracles are coming from TOPDHG.

Brand story

BRAND STORY  Skin care with TOPDHG natural goat milk is inspired by a sheepherder who found the magical skin care effect of goat milk in the 19th century in Christchurch, New Zealand. It is said that the elderly lady began collecting fresh goat milk with her hands every day in her own ranch. More than 30 years passed, although the face of the 50-year-old woman was old and wrinkled, her hands still kept pure white like young girls without any trace of age. The founder of TOPDHG brand has beautiful expectations for this legend, so he studied the skin beauty of goat milk in depth with several skin care experts, finding that EGF oligopeptide factor and rich nutrients in goat milk have magical effects on skin repair and beauty. After years of effort, “TOPDHG Goat’s Milk Moisturising Cream” finally appeared in 2010 and was named TOP&DHG (Develop High Grand). Based on the creation of high-grade products, TOPDHG has worked out one miracle after another with ingenuity.